Workshop on InComEss EU Project
Workshop on InComEss EU Project
Date: October 21st
Place: Online
As part of the 6th Edition Smart Materials & Surfaces conference, SMS 2021, InComEss Project organised a workshop which offered participants a great opportunity to hear about the project objectives, project progress and learn about the technologies employed on the research focused on Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage.
The workshop was chaired by Dr. Cintia Mateo-Mateo, from InComEss coordinator AIMEN and the keynote speakers involve Dr. Philippe Poulin from the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP) -CNRS- in Bordeaux, France and Dr. X. Ramón Novoa from the University of Vigo, in Spain.
The workshop covered a variety of topics such as smart materials, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials, supercapacitors and batteries. The workshop also included presentations from InComEss project partners CENTI, IPF, Tampere University, Smart Materials and Skeleton Technologies.
The discussions during the questions & answers were centered in:
Study of percolation behavior when using mixture or platelets and carbon nanotubes and theoretical thermodynamic equilibrium.
Voltage used for batteries characterization and evaluation of ion diffusivity and loss factors in dielectrics.
Issues that could arise when combining piezoelectric ceramics and polymers due to their different piezoelectric coefficients.
Benefits of supercapacitors compared to batteries from performance and environmental point of view, main applications of supercapacitors and device thickness and control.
Performance comparison between polymer-based lead-free materials vs PZT patches and impact of lead-free materials at industry level (considering the European requirements)
Cost of ultracapacitors compared to batteries, biggest challenges for ultracapacitors to move into a wider market and performance of curved graphene vs commercial graphene.
To see the workshop’s full program go to page 11 of this document.
You can watch the entire workshop session here.