Use Cases

The project will demonstrate its applicability in key sectors and applications, SHM and vehicle monitoring in automotive, aerospace and building, presenting the highest market potential.



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Smart Buildings

FOCCHI will provide the building use case for demonstration of PE-EHS integrated in the façade prototype with the final aim to evaluate the performance of the new piezoelectric-based smart materials combinations and structures.

The façade prototype will be tested under dynamic wind pressure conditions to assess the energy efficiency and reliability of the PE-EHS system to generate electricity from the harvested glass vibrations due to impact of wind. In addition, feasibility of the PE system to power a wireless miniature FOS interrogation instrument for SHM of the façade will be further demonstrated.

Hence, several FBG sensors connected to the interrogator will be installed on different points along the steel structure of the façade to measure strain variations. Visualization of sensors data will be available through a dedicated IoT platform integrated with the FOS interrogation device at the test site.



MARELLI will provide the automotive use case for demonstration of TE-EHS. The performance of the TE-EHS will be evaluated by integrating the TEG into the exhaust gas test bench at MARELLI to determine the overall power output and energy efficiency of the TEG constructed using the developed thermoplastic-based TE composite strips.

The TEG will be tested under different thermal gradient conditions in the range between 25ºC and 250ºC, representing average temperatures that can be attained in the cold end of the exhaust gas line after integrating heat-exchangers elements needed to recover the waste heat and taking into account temperature losses at the interfaces of exchangers.

The TEG will be connected to a storage SC to supply electricity to several on-board GPS and MEMS sensors to transmit the location of the vehicle together with other physical measurements (acceleration, temperature or humidity), through a wireless communication module. Besides, the wireless sensors will be interconnected with a simulated IoT edge platform for data transmission and visualization at MARELLI facilities.



SONACA will provide the aeronautic use-case for demonstration of thermo-and piezo-electric smart materials (TPE-EHS). TPEG demo prototype will be bond onto a 400 X 400 mm2 specimen panel by using high-performance adhesive and will be connected to the storage supercapacitors components to supply electricity to a miniature FOS interrogation-based FBG sensors integrated into the specimen panel.

The goal is to use the generated TE and PE voltage of the TPEG prototype to supply electricity to the FOS-based miniature device for interrogating FBGs sensors that measure temperature and strain variations in the specimen panel for SHM. The performance of the new TPE-EHS will be assessed during test experiments carried out at different thermal gradients, cycles, vibrations frequency, acceleration, etc. from 0 to 150 Hz (vertical vibration) and 0 to 2000 Hz (random vibration) based on RTCA DO-16, and with a f temperature gradient from 25 to 150ºC.

The application of only or both vibrations and temperature gradients will be carried out to evaluate power output of TPE-EHS due to the utilization of both ambient sources for energy harvesting.
